Gain operational predictability

Make smarter decisions and reduce operational costs and inefficiencies with Catalate.

Learn How

Use data for
superior planning

Decide how many runs to groom, rides to open, or F&B to order when you know exactly how many people to expect on-site. By selling more tickets in advance using Catalate’s Dynamic Pricing, you’ll have a better picture of how many guests to expect each day. Detailed reporting from Catalate will enable you to make operational decisions to avoid over or under spending.

Make the right staffing choices

Know how many lifeguards or instructors to have on staff using visitation data from advanced sales. When you sell more revenue in advance, you can use expected arrivals as a gauge for daily visitation to make better decisions on human resources.

Create happier customers

By matching daily prices to demand with Catalate’s proprietary pricing algorithms, you can smooth visitation patterns and reduce on-site crowding. Minimizing entry time to your resort or attraction and time spent waiting in lines ensures that more guests can enjoy your park or attraction.

Increased booking windows

When implemented effectively, Dynamic Pricing leads to longer booking windows, so you have more time to plan ahead.

Fewer on-site sellers

Hiring staff is really hard. When you sell more tickets online, you’ll likely need fewer staff members on-site to handle day-of purchases. Catalate’s easy redemption tools mean guests can start having fun in a breeze.


Arrivals Dashboard

Operators can view guests expected to arrive daily and look up orders on the fly.

Analytics & Reporting

Reporting sent directly to your inbox gives you a look into future bookings to better understand how many customers to expect each day ahead.

Dynamic Pricing

Built from the largest dataset in the business, Catalate’s pricing algorithm helps grow advanced sales, so you don’t have to wait until day-of to know what to expect.

See advanced sales in action

Caberfae peaks uses data from Catalate to plan resort operations

Online sales have grown to over 50% of total, increasing planning efficiencies

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Learn how advanced sales can strengthen your operations

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