Our agents.

Your brand.

Increase customer loyalty with Catalate’s comprehensive Cloud Store support and experienced team of real people.

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Save time and improve operational efficiency

With our specialized agents, you will…

Save time with superb support

Acting as an extension of your team, we manage support for online ticket and pass sales, reducing your need to staff, train, and manage in-house staff.

Our highly trained agents offer pre and post-sales support 7 days/a week and have a 38-second average answer time across phone, email, and chat.

Our Customer Support includes seamless set-up and training, phone trees and email routing, and customized contact reporting services.

USA Support services based on sales volume

$1.25 fee per Cloud Store order

$150 monthly minimum

$500 setup fee (waived after 1000 orders)

Learn how we’ve earned an average 90% Customer Satisfaction Score

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